Exactly How To Take Care Batik

Kamis, 08 Maret 2012
Exactly How To Take Care Batik

Tuesday, 01 March 2011 02:28 Anin Batik Home

  As an Indonesian, you at least have a minimum of one shirt or a batik dress. But you know how to wash and store them? Batik requires special care so as not quickly broken. Try these tips.

Batik is made from a type of wax called night. Natural coloring used in the process of making batik causing it to be treated seriously.

Many people who clean up their batik dress with Drycleaning, whereas in the Drycleaning chemicals will fade the color of the original batik. The same damage can be caused by cleaning with detergent in the washing machine. In any case, efforts to clean the batik is best to clean it by hand.

Use soap and shampoo in warm water. Currently, there are many who sell 'detergent' for batik. Eliminate stubborn stains with lemon slices. To dry your batik, hang in a sheltered spot of sunlight and do not wring your batik clothing.

You can retain the charm of color with batik clothing store them carefully. The trick, coat your clothes with cotton batik as iron. So that the color does not mix as batik clothing stored in closets, lined with wax paper batik clothing (do not use newspaper because the ink can stain paper batik), roll and hang in your closet.

With the proper way in cleaning, drying, ironing, and storing, batik clothing you can last longer and lasting beauty. Now, you can take your dresses as a personal investment.

source: http://abduh1.blogspot.com

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