Batik Kraton

Kamis, 08 Maret 2012
Batik Kraton

 Batik originated from Javanese language "amba", meaning to write and "point". word batik refers to the cloth with a pattern generated by the material "night" is applied to the fabric to resist the entry of the dye. From the time of the Hindu Mataram kingdom until after the introduction of religion into the island of Java, since the arrival of Indian traders, Chinese, Arab, which was followed by merchants from Europe, since the founding of the Islamic Mataram kingdom in perjalanananannya raises palace of Yogyakarta and Surakarta, batik has come the style and color that can describe the age and the birth environment.
Batik is historically derived from the days of our fathers, known since the seventeenth century, written and painted on palm leaves. At that time batik motif or pattern is still dominated by the shapes of animals and plants. In the history of batik development progressed, the motifs of the paintings of animals and plants slowly turned to a cloud-like abstract Motik, temple reliefs, puppet beber and so on.
White fabric that is used when it is the result of homespun. Coloring materials are being used consists of plants native to Indonesia, among others, made their own from the noni tree, tall, Soga, indigo and material made from soda ash soda, and salt is made of mud.
Batik crafts is, in Indonesia has been known since the time of the Majapahit Empire and continues to evolve to the next kingdom. As for starting the spread of this batik art belongs to the people of Indonesia and Java in particular tribe is after the end of the eighteenth century or early nineteenth century. Produced batik batik is all up to the beginning of the twentieth century. And printed batik is known after the war new world of unity, or about 1920.
Batik art is art image on the cloth for clothing that was one of a family culture of the kings of ancient Indonesia. Batik was originally done only limited in the palace alone and proceeds to dress the king and his family and his followers. As many followers of the king who lived outside the palace, the art of batik was brought by the palace and carried them out in their respective places.
History of the Motif Batik Palace
The existence of Yogyakarta batik course is inseparable from the history of the founding of the Islamic kingdom of Mataram by Panembahan Senopati. After moving to the center of the kingdom of Mataram Demak, he often meditated on along the coast of Java, among others Parangkusuma to Dlepih Gupito Parang, browse the Thousand Mountains cliff that looks like "Pereng" or cliff line. As the king of Java, which of course is to master the art, it inspired him to create a state where the slope or parang batik pattern, which is characteristic ageman (clothing) Mataram which is different from previous batik patterns. Because the creator is the founder king of Mataram kingdom, then by his descendants, the patterns of these knives should only be worn by the king and his descendants in the palace. Motif ban declared by the lane I in 1785. Batik patterns which include a ban include: Parang Barong Damaged, Damaged Gendreh Parang, Parang Klithik, Cement Gedhe Gurdha Sawat, Sawat Gedhe Cement lar, Udan lyrical, Rujak Senthe, and machete-motif parangan the same size as the broken sword.
Since the agreement in 1755 that gave birth Giyanti Kasunanan Surakarta and Yogyakarta Sultanate, all kinds of high fashion layout including the batik, handed over entirely by the Sultan of Yogyakarta Kraton Surakarta. This is what makes the palace of Yogyakarta to be the center of cultural development, including the treasures of batik. If batik in Surakarta experience a variety of innovations, but the fact remains pakemnya motif batik originated in the Sultan's Palace.
Traditional batik in the Sultanate of Yogyakarta has the typical appearance of a striking white background clean. Geometric patterns are very distinctive palace of Yogyakarta Sultanate, were large and some of them were enriched with a machete and nitik. Meanwhile, at Puro Pakualaman batik is batik patterns blend Atara palace of Yogyakarta Sultanate of Surakarta palace and batik colors. This blend began a close family relationship between Puro Pakualaman with Kraton Surakarta when Sri Paku Alam VII marry the daughter of His Majesty Sri Pakubuwono X. Surakarta Palace Princess is what gives the color and feel of the batik Pakualaman Surakarta, until eventually a combination of both. Two well-known batik patterns from the pattern of Puro Pakulaman Varuna famous temple since before 1920 and which is the creation Manyuro Peksi Notoadisuryo RM. While the Sultanate is renowned batik patterns, among others Ceplok Kedaton Blah, Kawung, Tambal nitik, Parang Stars Goods Leider and so on.
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Exactly How To Take Care Batik

Exactly How To Take Care Batik

Tuesday, 01 March 2011 02:28 Anin Batik Home

  As an Indonesian, you at least have a minimum of one shirt or a batik dress. But you know how to wash and store them? Batik requires special care so as not quickly broken. Try these tips.

Batik is made from a type of wax called night. Natural coloring used in the process of making batik causing it to be treated seriously.

Many people who clean up their batik dress with Drycleaning, whereas in the Drycleaning chemicals will fade the color of the original batik. The same damage can be caused by cleaning with detergent in the washing machine. In any case, efforts to clean the batik is best to clean it by hand.

Use soap and shampoo in warm water. Currently, there are many who sell 'detergent' for batik. Eliminate stubborn stains with lemon slices. To dry your batik, hang in a sheltered spot of sunlight and do not wring your batik clothing.

You can retain the charm of color with batik clothing store them carefully. The trick, coat your clothes with cotton batik as iron. So that the color does not mix as batik clothing stored in closets, lined with wax paper batik clothing (do not use newspaper because the ink can stain paper batik), roll and hang in your closet.

With the proper way in cleaning, drying, ironing, and storing, batik clothing you can last longer and lasting beauty. Now, you can take your dresses as a personal investment.


Train of Batik

Train of Batik

 There are many ways to appreciate batik. Railway PT Indonesia (PT KAI) did not want to miss to participate in promoting batik.

State-owned enterprises become operator gauge train is adorned with a motif Parahyangan. Head of Public Relations of PT KAI Daops II Bambang S Prayitno said the installation of batik stickers on train cars is a form of appreciation for his side of the art of batik. Especially at this batik has been recognized by UNESCO as a heritage of native Indonesia.

In addition, he hoped that the train is decorated with batik can attract more passengers. The plan, he said, the train will be submitted to the Indonesian Record Museum (MURI).
Last Updated (Sunday, 13 February 2011 00:59)

The difference between handmade batik, printed batik and batik printing

The difference between handmade batik, printed batik and batik printing
January 10, 2011 No Comments by muha

- Batik: the ornament with other ornaments of a somewhat different although the same shape. Isen, Isen form relatively tight, neat, and not rigid.

- Batik Cap: between a single ornament with other ornaments must be the same, but the form of isen-isen untidy, somewhat tenuous and somewhat stiff. If the isen-isen rather tight there will be mbeleber (scratch that one and the other is fused, so it looks rough).

- Batik Printing: ornaments can be the same, can not, because it depends on batik designs that will be imitated, because usually imitate batik batik printing is already there, but you need to know about color. Batik printing color for the most are translucent coloring of the face only.

Differences in type Batik Making Process Based on How to make a

1. batik tulis 
all process is done manually, one by one, with a canting, wax evening, fabric, and dye.

2. batik cap 
seal or stamp used tool that has been patterned batik. The diceupkan stamp into the hot wax, then pressed or stamped on the cloth. This process takes less time compared to the batik process, because the batik pattern should be drawn from point to point with a canting, whereas printed batik with a single tap you can finish it.

3. Batik printing
in the process of batik, the pattern was printed on silk-screening tool, so batik and dyeing can be done directly. Thus, the process of batik can be completed without the use of wax and canting night. Thus, the process will only require time and certainly faster compared to the process of batik and batik.

Washing soap for Batik

Washing soap for Batik

How can you keep colored batik clothes fit and not worn for a long time?
Of course the answer was in his care. And treatment is important in how to wash clothes, soap what is used, and how the drying after washing.

                                                                      soap batik


Batik clothing is highly recommended to NOT use detergent when washing. Detergents are not suitable forbatik clothes and good clothes to another. Besides, the detergent is also damaging to the environment because they contain chemicals such as phosphates, silicates, and dyes that are harmful to water conservation.
In order for batik clothes preserved, not dull, and durable, we introduce the Care Soap Batik NOC ..Sapindus Soap uses rarak de Candole or popularly known as alias lerak Lamuran as raw material. Lerak is a tree with an equivalent quality wood and teak grow in the islands of Java and Sumatra.

Lerak tree seeds contain saponin which produces foam and serves as washing and cleaning materials.
Lerak soap is not only environmentally friendly, but also effective clean up and preserve the color of clothing. Lerak most suitable soap to wash batik cloth in order to maintain the quality of color and fabric. Lerak also very good soap used to wash the non-colored batik fabrics that are not easily dull. NOC lerak liquid soapthat is very easy and practical use.

Between The Philosophical Batik Batik Traditional and Modern Innovation

Between The Philosophical Batik Batik Traditional and Modern Innovation
 Tuesday, 17 January 2012 09:43 nebulaE-mail Print PDF
In a staging puppet philosophical values ​​of a story largely delivered in the form of speech and movement. The chanting of songs macapat filisofis value delivered in the form of lyrics and songs. In a piece of batik painting each stroke canthing is full of meaning of the batik. Each motif is a symbol of a great event as outlined in the form of images.

Batik past few years as if experiencing a period of reinassance. Batik clothes that were previously only used on special occasions, now a plural subject on different occasions. The designers and fashion magazines, magazine busy raising batik as the main theme that occurs batik fashion boom.

Remarkable resurgence occurred in the batik industry in various regions. Cities as centers of batik Solo, Yogya, Cirebon, Pekalongan, Lasem become so vivid as bergeliatnya batik industry in the country. Modernization of the various batik continues to occur is directly proportional to the increasing demand for goods and the inter business pesaingan batik producers. Effeknya innovations continue to evolve and continue to be modified and modernized batik.

In the city of Solo there are two kinds of batik, the first batik and batik saudagaran kratonan. Saudagaran batik is batik batik produced by entrepreneurs, for example in the area and Laweyan kauman. Batik is freely traded and used by ordinary people included in this type of batik. The second prohibition batik, the batik which should only be used by the royal family in particular events. The existence of batik is closed due to be worn only by certain circles in the palace.

The batik is now circulating widely and is considered to be the motive is not necessarily an actual ban ban real batik, because who really knows about the ban is only the royal family of batik, explains Quintanova.

With regard to the philosophical value of batik from Surakarta Drs. Narimo patiently explain more about it.

Gagrag Surakarta Sultanate batik motif is the designation Kraton Surakarta Sultanate. There are approximately 317 motif derived from the Kraton Surakarta, that's not including batik on fabric jarit currently appointed to a lot of batik batik-modern.

Before creating a batik, the batik makers undergo a process called lelaku where he contemplated an event and observing her surroundings. It causes each curve and each motif has a deep meaning canthing scratches when dissected. Philosophical value of batik is not only found in the historical background of the creation of a motif alone. Educational value of batik is also reflected in the manner of usage and time usage.

Batik motif has the exclusivity of different means not all orag can use a batik motif. Batik Batik is the designation for the ban should only be used by the royal family or nobility. Slopes or Parang is one example of a ban motif.

Here are some batik motif and brief explanation:

1. Batik Parang or slopes by its grip should only be used by Sentono dalem (son of the queen). Slopes derived from the word's arm (the hillside). History of this motif begins when there is an escape from the palace of the royal family Kartasura. The King family was forced into hiding in the mountains to avoid the danger
  [Motif Parang]

2. Types of batik Truntum used when someone held a celebration party. Truntum motif was found by the wife of Pakubuwana V. At that time he was serving a sentence for violating the rules of the kingdom. One night he pondered and stared at the starry sky in the sky and then he poured what he saw with chanthing so be truntum batik motif.
                                                                [Motif Truntum]

3. Sido Mukti batik worn by the bride and groom. Sida mukti itself melambangakan a hope, so once a bride and groom to use cloth sidamukti then came the desire to achieve a successful new life or in the Java language called mukti.

4. Sido Drajad batik worn by-laws when the wedding ceremony

How to use batik also has educational value in itself, here are some descriptions of how the use of batik cloth.

For batik children wear belts wolo way. The use of this type allows children to move freely. Philosophically speaking freely interpreted the wearing of seat wolo moral, according to the souls of children who are still free and immature and not yet have a moral responsibility in society.

When a teenager is no longer a person wearing a batik by belts but by jarit wolo. Jarit long used has its own meaning. Seamakin jarit display the higher the degree of a person in society. The shorter jarit then the lower the person's social strata in society.

For adult use of batik has its own grip between men and women. In men pleat placed on the left. While the women placed pleat on the right, which means nengeni. This means that a princess must not violate the will of her husband.

Modern Batik

Maybe all this people are still confused with what is called modern batik. Quintanova, one observer batik as well as SBC committee, explained the term in the context of modern batik can be viewed from several aspects:

The first modern in the sense that these two motifs and modern in the technical manufacture. Examples include the modernization of combining two motifs in batik motif fabric such as a combination of slope with a motif kawung-kawung slope. Contemporary batik motives even applying modern or abstract even in technical fabrics treated with the batik-making.

The second is the modern technical terms. Batik printing is a form of technical modenisasi batik making. But the term batik printing is not actually known people including batik because it is not through the stages of making batik. The process of making batik briefly go through several stages, drawing patterns, the coating with the night, coloring, and the last lorot process (removal of the night). Without such a process can not be said batik fabric, but only a batik textiles.

Another technical innovation in the manufacture of printing is done at night like Batik Kliwonan Tourism Village where the nights are hot printed on a cloth in bulk. With the process of making batik is made possible by large amounts and in a short time but does not deviate from the rule-making process of batik.

Innovations need to be able to survive batik

This is similar to that disclosed Arifatul Uliana, daughter of Solo tahun2009, modern batik batik is an attempt to get more popular in the community. In order to reach young consumers a modern batik existence of modern batik is very necessary. With varying motives are no longer so young people are reluctant menggenakan batik fabric and batik stereotype slowly as clothes for the more "senior" can be eroded.

According to Uli philosophical grip dikorbakan batik should not continue to occur despite the modernization process. Philosophical value of batik can be maintained by creating a new motif with grip-grip which already exist. Without variation and modernization of batik will seem monotonous, and can not survive entrenched to this day.

Preserve the Batik Philosophical Education

The creators of the new batik motifs need to be more careful in expressing his creations, at least one motif creator has the knowledge and literature about batik batik-earlier. Motif that was created in order to not violate the rules and standard that already exists.

Batik is now a fashion trend actually means is a capital to introduce the history and philosophy of batik in the community. Cultural education is needed so that when someone is wearing a batik he was not only a fashion trend to wear it on the grounds alone but accompanied by the realization that batik is a cultural heritage that deserves to be preserved.

Educational effort of philosophical value batik batik can be done by bringing to school either in the form of lessons or extracurricular intrakulikuler. With these efforts, especially the young generation of students become familiar with batik in more depth. So in the future batik still prevail. Batik exhibition that was held to place more emphasis on the introduction of the history of batik, not only the introduction of a glimpse of batik cloth without any further no more profound.

Do not let the cultural assets are priceless lost with the loss of our concern for culture-uri nguri sendiri.Dengan those efforts batik booming trend will not fade with each passing fashion trend.


Batik Making Proces

Batik Making Proces

Jan 10, 2011 4 Comments by
1. Cutting raw materials (mori) as needed. 
2. Mengetel: eliminate starch from soaking mori mori manner with a solution: peanut oil, soda ash, tipol and water. Then mori diuleni after flat diuleni dried until dry and then dried again and again. This process is repeated until three weeks ago on rinse thoroughly. This process so that the dye can seep into the fabric fibers perfectly. 
3. Nglengreng: Drawing directly on the fabric. 
4. Isen, Isen: give variation in ornament (motif) that has been in lengreng. 
5. Nembok: close (ngeblok) the base of the fabric that does not need to be colored. 
6. On drugs: Coloring batik that has been walled by dipped in dye solution. 
7. Nglorod: Remove wax by boiling in boiling water (finishing). 
8. Washing: after the wax out of fabric, and then washed thoroughly and then dried.

Serbat (Serba Batik)

Rabu, 07 Maret 2012

Batik is He Tractor

Traktor Excavator Batik (foto:
Traktor Excavator Batik (foto:
Currently all items made ​​batik. Ranging from mobile batik, batik Mercedes cars to the latest Tractor Batik. PT United Tractors, on March 2, which then launched a tractor komatsu batik, and recorded by the museumMuri, the first excavator tractor batik.

Motif is taken Truntum Bangreng Kupu, which means spirit to transform like a butterfly and a desire tocontinue to grow like a flower truntum.

How cool or not?

History of Batik Pekalongan

History of Batik Pekalongan
Although no official records began to be known when the batik in Pekalongan, but according to estimates already in Pekalongan batik around the year 1800. In fact, according to data recorded at the Ministry, there is a motif that made 1802, like a small tree motif in the form of clothing material.
However, significant development is expected to occur after a major war in the year 1825-1830 in Mataram kingdom which is often referred to war or war Diponegoro Java.
With the onset of this battle royal family and urged his followers to leave many areas of the kingdom. They then spread to the East and West. Later in the area - a new area that the family and followers develop batik. To the east of Solo and Yogyakarta batik batik patterns that have been perfected in Mojokerto and Tulungagung to spread to Gresik, Surabaya and Madura.
Westward batik being developed in Banyumas, Kebumen, Tegal, Cirebon and Pekalongan. Given this migration, the batik Pekalongan preexisting growing. Over time, Batik Pekalongan have evolved considerably in comparison with other regions.
Batik in this area developed around the coastal areas, namely in the area of ​​the city and county Buaran Pekalongan, Pekajangan and Wonopringgo.Batik Pekalongan, between the Past and BATIK pekalongan a very distinctive because it relies entirely on hundreds of small businesses, rather than on a handful of capital-intensive businesses. Since the past decades up to now, most of the production process of batik is done in homes.
As a result, batik is closely integrated with community life Pekalongan is now divided into two administrative regions, namely Pekalongan and Pekalongan district, Central Java. Batik is the breath of life everyday citizens Pekalongan. He lived citizens live and Pekalongan.
Nonetheless, as with other small and medium enterprises in Indonesia, batik enterprises are now facing a transition period. The development of an increasingly complex world and the emergence of new competing countries, like Vietnam, challenged the batik industry to quickly transform itself into a more modern direction.
Failed to pass through this transitional period, batik may only be remembered for generations to come through the history books. At that time, the pattern of batik artisans still work greatly influenced the agricultural cycle. During the time of planting or harvest time, they are fully working in the fields. However, at the time of planting and harvest time, they work entirely as an artisan batik. AGE has been changed.
Workers in Pekalongan batik is no longer dominated by farmers. They mostly come from local young people who want to make a living. Their lives may be entirely dependent on batik work.
What batik industry faces today is probably the same as the problems faced by other industries in Indonesia, especially those based on small and medium entrepreneurs.
Issue, among others, include decrease in competitiveness as indicated by the selling price is higher than the selling price of similar products produced elsewhere. In fact, quality products that dihasikan better than competitor countries entrepreneurs Indonesia products.
The cause of this problem varies, ranging from low productivity and worker skills, lack of initiative of entrepreneurs to innovate products, to the old infrastructure support machine production process.


Batik motifs Golden Train

Selasa, 06 Maret 2012

Batik motifs Golden Train

Kencana train symbolizes Patih used vehicles to get around to villages and agriculture barn barns. Carriage is from Bagelen, Central Java which is made of teak wood and decorated with metallic iron. Golden mean golden symbol of the triumph of the nobility. Batik is telling the glory of the kingdom in Java during the golden age. Wrapped in red and blue, making it increasingly looks beautiful batik.